Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

How to Eliminate Urinary Odour in Offices

We have noticed that foul urinal odour emanates from lavatories during work hours in many offices in Nigeria. This can cause a lot of discomfort to staff and affect work output. It is also damaging to public relations in view of the number of visitors and partners who visit office complexes daily. Why linger with a problem with a ready solution which is trusted and efficient.

You can commission an industrial cleaning outfit to carry out a systematic odour control management on all your toilets to nip this issue in the bud and sustain a more freshened output for them. A professional team that is well versed in handling such services with reasonable care and expertise will use a combined strategy that best suits the requirements of organisations.

Many of the odours pervading washrooms and bathrooms permeate from proteins and bacteria thriving sub-surface. We propose the elimination of odour with these simple steps:

  1. Spray a strong bio-friendly foul odour eliminator into the air pointing towards the corners of the room during the operation.
  2. Use an all Purpose Cleaner to wash down walls, splash backs, urinals, floors, washbasins, toilets.
  3. Apply Bio-Enzymatic Sub-Surface Odour Digester liberally onto walls, splash backs, urinals and toilets.
  4. Flood floors and allow to remain wet for 2 - 3 hours. This allows the good bacteria time to penetrate below the surface and produce sufficient enzymes to consume the organic matter that produce the foul smells.
  5. Apply fast acting bio-enzymatic drain opener down each drain, toilet, sink & urinal. This will digest/descale odour producing matter in the pipes and create a bio-film on the inside of drain lines to prevent the buildup of odour producing bacteria.
  6. Follow up with refillable odour control cabinets and deodorizer microcell blocks in the room. The microcells continue to operate 100% of the time, 24 hours a day to erase any airborne odour from the daily use of the toilets.

Clean lavatories are a pride of any office complex. It is considered an incentive for motivation of staff and thus adds to productivity. It also contributes to improved public relations with external visitors we do business with. If you were not taking your lavatories seriously before, it is time to start. You can start by asking your staff what they feel about your office lavatories. The answers you get may just surprise you. Clean and odourless lavatories are an integral part of your business.

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