Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Do You Have Diarrhea Followed by Constipation?

Having one or the other of these issues can be difficult enough, but when you have diarrhea followed by constipation, it can be even more of a hassle. It's important that you figure out what is going on in the first place if you really want to get relief. Most of the time, it's nothing major that is causing this type of issue, but medical advice will still be helpful in figuring out what is going on and how to get the best relief possible.

Causes of Diarrhea and Then Constipation

There are a lot of different issues that can cause your bowels to misbehave and go to the extremes. When you are dealing with diarrhea followed by constipation, you probably have a simple issue of digestive imbalance that needs to be taken care of. If you have these problems as well as anything listed here, you might want to look into balancing your digestive system:

- Stomach bloating

- Gas

- Indigestion

- Stomach pain

- Discomfort

Typically, any or all of these symptoms will present in people who have an imbalance in their digestive system. Learn more about the causes of diarrhea and constipation, and finding yours will lead to better relief in the long run. Stop wasting money on OTC diarrhea remedies and get to the root of the problem. If you're looking for more information on alternative diarrhea remedies click here now.

Finding Relief from Alternate Constipation and Diarrhea

When you need relief from the discomfort of diarrhea followed by constipation, you have plenty of options. Natural remedies that can help restore your digestive balance are a great place to start your search.* Probiotics can give your body the support that it needs to stop these unpleasant symptoms from happening for good.* While an OTC constipation or diarrhea treatment might seem effective, it's not getting to the cause.* Talk to your doctor about solutions that actually handle the issue that you are having from the root cause. Explore natural diarrhea treatments today.

Probiotics can help with all types of digestive issues.* These are good bacteria that your body needs, after all, and they can alleviate plenty of symptoms.* Make sure that you learn about different probiotics and how they work, as well as which supplements are best.* That way, you can get everything that you deserve from your investment in natural remedies like this.* Having that extra bacterium can be beneficial in putting things back on track and alleviate issues with things like diarrhea followed by constipation.*

Under Section 5 of DSHEA, the content material within this article or webpage is for consumer and educational purposes only. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

How to Eliminate Urinary Odour in Offices

We have noticed that foul urinal odour emanates from lavatories during work hours in many offices in Nigeria. This can cause a lot of discomfort to staff and affect work output. It is also damaging to public relations in view of the number of visitors and partners who visit office complexes daily. Why linger with a problem with a ready solution which is trusted and efficient.

You can commission an industrial cleaning outfit to carry out a systematic odour control management on all your toilets to nip this issue in the bud and sustain a more freshened output for them. A professional team that is well versed in handling such services with reasonable care and expertise will use a combined strategy that best suits the requirements of organisations.

Many of the odours pervading washrooms and bathrooms permeate from proteins and bacteria thriving sub-surface. We propose the elimination of odour with these simple steps:

  1. Spray a strong bio-friendly foul odour eliminator into the air pointing towards the corners of the room during the operation.
  2. Use an all Purpose Cleaner to wash down walls, splash backs, urinals, floors, washbasins, toilets.
  3. Apply Bio-Enzymatic Sub-Surface Odour Digester liberally onto walls, splash backs, urinals and toilets.
  4. Flood floors and allow to remain wet for 2 - 3 hours. This allows the good bacteria time to penetrate below the surface and produce sufficient enzymes to consume the organic matter that produce the foul smells.
  5. Apply fast acting bio-enzymatic drain opener down each drain, toilet, sink & urinal. This will digest/descale odour producing matter in the pipes and create a bio-film on the inside of drain lines to prevent the buildup of odour producing bacteria.
  6. Follow up with refillable odour control cabinets and deodorizer microcell blocks in the room. The microcells continue to operate 100% of the time, 24 hours a day to erase any airborne odour from the daily use of the toilets.

Clean lavatories are a pride of any office complex. It is considered an incentive for motivation of staff and thus adds to productivity. It also contributes to improved public relations with external visitors we do business with. If you were not taking your lavatories seriously before, it is time to start. You can start by asking your staff what they feel about your office lavatories. The answers you get may just surprise you. Clean and odourless lavatories are an integral part of your business.

Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance

Have you ever heard anything about a widespread health problem known as lactose intolerance? Meanwhile, this health condition has become the object of great concerns for many people today. It is observed both in adults and kids who are unable to ingest milk and develop allergic reactions as well as other health problems, including vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, flatulence, breaking wind, feeling of sickness etc. These reactions develop in around 30 minutes after the consumption of dairy products and become more severe if a person who has the disease has taken much lactose.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance are often quite frustrating and annoying. That is why it is of paramount importance to spot this disease on time. This will give you a chance to take control over your health condition and prevent the potential complications. Though this condition is not reported to threaten your health, it can substantially affect the quality of your life. The sooner the disease is identified - the easier it is to get adequate treatment, which is specific for each patient.

Symptoms of this disease mainly depend upon the type of the problem you suffer from. The thing is that lactose deficiency is classified into three types, namely permanent intolerance, secondary (reversible) intolerance and the so-called congenital lactase disorder. The first type of the disease is observed when a specific ethnic group or society in general does not eat dairy products at all, in the result of which their kids cannot tolerate them well. The second type of this condition is temporary, which is triggered by lactase enzyme deficiency in a patient's gut. The main symptom of the disease in this case is nausea, which develops after the consumption of milk products. Finally, congenital lactase disorder is a genetic health problem, which is always diagnosed in infancy. Some babies are genetically predisposed to this disease and develop symptoms of it since birth. By the way, studies have shown that gender does not play any role in the development of this health disorder. Age, however, is one of the main factors to be considered here, because the disease may worsen with the lapse of time.

Have you experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above? If so, then you should consult your doctor the sooner-the better. Your physician will certainly recommend you to undergo a series of tests, such as blood sugar lactose tolerance test, hydrogen breath test and stool test. They will help define how serious the problem is and what kind of treatment you currently need. In most cases, though, you will need to stick to a diet for the rest of your life. Thus, the consumption of lactose free products will be a must for you.

Constipation Q and A

What is a normal bowel movement?

Colour: Medium to dark brown. Bile produced by the liver and secreted by the gallbladder has a yellowish green colour that gets converted into the characteristic stool brown colour by bacteria in the gut on the way through. If stool is light or clay coloured, sometimes there is inadequate bile production or flow. If stool is yellowy it may mean that stool is passing through the digestive tract too quickly for bacteria to break the bile down and turn it brown.

Diameter: Normal stool diameter is approximately 1-2". Very narrow stool can signify inflammation in the bowels that should be addressed.

Consistency: Stool should be firm but not hard nor loose and there shouldn't be any undigested food in it. Undigested food can be from a lack of digestive enzymes, low stomach acid, or overly rapid transit time i.e. stool is passing through too quickly to be properly digested.

How often should I go?

At least once per day every day, any less than that is constipation. People in great health will sometimes have a bowel movement 2-3 times per day. Every time you eat, your entire intestinal tract will contract and release, a process referred to as peristalsis. Peristalsis moves everything in the intestinal tract along which should prompt a bowel movement.

What if there is blood when I have a bowel movement?

Constipation can often cause harder stools that are more difficult to pass. This can lead to tearing and blood. If the blood is bright red and just a bit on the toilet paper when you wipe it's probably nothing to worry about, but if it's more than that, if it persists or if it's dark in colour you should mention it to your medical doctor.

What about mucous?

Mucous is a sign of inflammation. Bowels can be inflammed by food intolerances or sensitivities, mechanical irritation or infection. In any case, chronic inflammation of the bowel is not a good thing so if you see mucous regularly, best to see your naturopathic doctor for assistance.

Should it float or sink?

The constituents of the bowel movement will determine whether it floats or sinks, it is not a reflection of whether the bowels are healthy or not.

What causes constipation?

There are a number of factors that can cause constipation:

  1. Food sensitivities/intolerances - most people have food intolerances that they aren't aware of but that do cause problems like skin rashes like acne, eczema and psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, mucous in the stool, rectal itching, rectal leaking, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, sinus congestion or recurring sinusitis, vaginal irritation not related to yeast, environmental allergies, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's thyroiditis or lupus.

  2. Dehydration - water helps keep stool softer and easier to pass. Inadequate water intake will mean harder stool that's more difficult to pass. Getting at least 6-8 glasses of water per day is a pretty easy way to fix constipation problems.

  3. Dysbiosis - dysbiosis is overgrowth of unwanted organisms in the digestive tract and not enough good bacteria to keep the bowels healthy. Some people try to restore probiotics through eating yogourt, however dairy is a very common food sensitivity and there's no way of knowing how many good bacteria you are getting per serving of yogourt. I recommend use of a good quality probiotic where you know what strains of good bacteria you are getting and in exactly what quantity.

  4. Inadequate bile production or flow - the liver produces bile and the gallbladder secretes it when prompted to do so by stomach acid emptying from the stomach. Bile is a bit of an irritant to the gut which prompts contractions to move it along and get it out.

  5. Other irritants - coffee and tea can act as irritants to the bowel. For some people this helps keep their bowels more regular, although this is not a healthy way of maintaining regularity. Irritation from coffee and tea can also cause inflammation in the digestive tract that inhibits proper bowel movement.

  6. Low stomach acid - stomach acid is the trigger for bile release from the gallbladder and bile stimulates bowels to move. Heartburn, fullness after eating a small amount, burping, belching, upper abdominal bloating and difficulty digesting protein rich foods like eggs, can all be signs of low stomach acid.

  7. Inadequate magnesium intake - magnesium helps hold more water in the stool keeping it softer and easier to pass. It also helps with muscle relaxation which may allow bowels to relax and let stool through easier.

  8. Wheat bran - wheat bran is touted as being helpful for constipation and many find it does help. However because it acts to relieve constipation by irritating the bowels, regular scraping of the bowels with wheat bran is not recommended and can cause more long term damage.