This is one of the more crucial components of fitness. Think about it, most people, on some level, have an idea of how to shed some pounds and tone up. Just pull some of your friends aside and ask them what the best way to lose weight is. They likely won't have a perfect answer, but I bet they'll know enough to lose at least five or ten pounds.
However, having the "know how" and putting it into action are two completely different things. This is where most people fail. They know to cut their caloric intake(500 fewer calories per day) and up their exercise... still, they don't do it.
They know the importance of lifting weights to retain and/or build muscle... but they don't do it.
They know they need to eat clean and eat healthy... yet they can't pass up the donuts and the pizza.
The problem is Lack of Motivation.
Many people start off strong, just the novelty of the lifestyle changes, potentially watching the weight on the scale drop and seeing the changes in the mirror provides a significant motivation spike.
That "novelty" motivation is going to fade. And that's why you need to find a source of motivation that's not going to disappear.
Now, you probably have a few ideas about what will keep you motivated to see your goals to the end. Here's what I suggest:
Do a brain dump to uncover all the reasons you want to change your body.
How to get motivated
- First, take out a few blank sheets of paper or open up a new word processing document on your computer. At the top of the paper (or screen) write "Why do I want to transform my body?" Then spend 15-20 uninterrupted minutes writing down every benefit that comes to mind.
- Don't censor yourself, because your goal is to reveal the truth. If some of your reasons seem shallow or vain just roll with it.
- Once your time is up, read through your list slowly. Make a mental note of how you feel as you read each line. You should get a surge of emotion while you imagine yourself achieving and enjoying the benefits your goal!
- Focus on the reasons that invoke the most powerful images and emotions, because those are your strongest reasons and a huge asset in bodybuilding of any caliber. For example, if the thought of having a heart attack or not being able to see your pecker scares the piss out of you, then you have a strong emotional reason for losing weight. If thinking about how females will react to your yolked body gets your heart pounding and makes you feel saucy, then you have a strong emotional reason to lose weight and/or gain muscle.
- Find a big reason (or two) with strong emotional underpinnings and spend a few minutes each day visualizing how you'll FEEL after you've reached your goal. As long as you don't humor any doubt and maintain a strong focus this simple exercise will keep you motivated, because if you can tap into that feeling... then you can tap into an endless supply of motivation!
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