Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

How To De-Stress After An Argument

Arguing with anyone is not good in any situation and it does not matter who started it. You will feel the result of it and that is called stress. However, there are some things that we can do to reduce stress when we have been involved in this unfortunate situation.

I highly recommend prayer because we can find comfort and answers in the word of God so it always good to start there. If we started the disagreement we can always ask for forgiveness and get restored. We would not want negative thoughts to rule our senses so prayer will help to eliminate those thoughts.

A brisk walk will help to reduce stress but it will not help if we reminisce on the argument so instead of doing that, enjoy the scenery, it will soothe our mind. We can take a walk in the park where there are trees, grass and flowers, these things can work wonders for our morale.

Reading a good book will also help to de-stress because we can get involved in the story as we are reading. We should make sure that the book that we choose is non violent because if it is a violent novel, our stress level can increase and we do not want that to happen.

We can watch a non violent movie on television, preferably a comedy because it can make us laugh and laughter is a very good stress reducer. In fact, the bible says that laughter works like a medicine. Laughter is free, easy to do and it works.

We could de-stress by listening to soft soothing music. It is very relaxing to our soul so if we would get some place quite and listen to some soft music not only will our soul get refreshed but tension in our body will leave as well.

Playing with Children can help reduce stress. They are enjoyable and they can say and do some funny things, which are what we might need at that moment. I do not recommend trying to get them to do what we want to do because it might start another argument, just play along with them; getting involved in what they are doing. It will take our mind off our problem.

Most of us know that exercise reduces stress so do not omit it if you happen to get involved in an argument, just make sure that the exercise is a relaxing one. Stretching muscles works because it helps to remove tension and sets of ten stretches is best.

A massage helps to de-stress if we can get one. A masseur or masseuse can reach places on our body that we might not be able to reach and they certainly have the right techniques to use that would reduce stress.

Finally sleep or rest can be an asset to us if we are able to control our thoughts. It would defeat our purpose if we would allow our thoughts to run rampage while we are trying to rest. We would need to be able clear our mind of the incident in order for rest to be effective so stress can be reduced.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Discover How To Get Motivated


This is one of the more crucial components of fitness. Think about it, most people, on some level, have an idea of how to shed some pounds and tone up. Just pull some of your friends aside and ask them what the best way to lose weight is. They likely won't have a perfect answer, but I bet they'll know enough to lose at least five or ten pounds.

However, having the "know how" and putting it into action are two completely different things. This is where most people fail. They know to cut their caloric intake(500 fewer calories per day) and up their exercise... still, they don't do it.

They know the importance of lifting weights to retain and/or build muscle... but they don't do it.

They know they need to eat clean and eat healthy... yet they can't pass up the donuts and the pizza.

The problem is Lack of Motivation.

Many people start off strong, just the novelty of the lifestyle changes, potentially watching the weight on the scale drop and seeing the changes in the mirror provides a significant motivation spike.

That "novelty" motivation is going to fade. And that's why you need to find a source of motivation that's not going to disappear.

Now, you probably have a few ideas about what will keep you motivated to see your goals to the end. Here's what I suggest:

Do a brain dump to uncover all the reasons you want to change your body.

How to get motivated

  • First, take out a few blank sheets of paper or open up a new word processing document on your computer. At the top of the paper (or screen) write "Why do I want to transform my body?" Then spend 15-20 uninterrupted minutes writing down every benefit that comes to mind.

  • Don't censor yourself, because your goal is to reveal the truth. If some of your reasons seem shallow or vain just roll with it.

  • Once your time is up, read through your list slowly. Make a mental note of how you feel as you read each line. You should get a surge of emotion while you imagine yourself achieving and enjoying the benefits your goal!

  • Focus on the reasons that invoke the most powerful images and emotions, because those are your strongest reasons and a huge asset in bodybuilding of any caliber. For example, if the thought of having a heart attack or not being able to see your pecker scares the piss out of you, then you have a strong emotional reason for losing weight. If thinking about how females will react to your yolked body gets your heart pounding and makes you feel saucy, then you have a strong emotional reason to lose weight and/or gain muscle.

  • Find a big reason (or two) with strong emotional underpinnings and spend a few minutes each day visualizing how you'll FEEL after you've reached your goal. As long as you don't humor any doubt and maintain a strong focus this simple exercise will keep you motivated, because if you can tap into that feeling... then you can tap into an endless supply of motivation!

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Workout Tips and Diets for Abs

When you're working out you want to make sure you are doing heavy compound movements. When I say heavy it doesn't mean you want to max out or go to one rep max or something like that. You want to keep your rep range from about 6 to 10 reps. Now here is the key, if you are a beginner and just starting off you want to keep your rep range a little higher because you want to make sure you are safe and that your form is really good before you go ahead and get your reps down to about six. But if you have been working out for a little while and know most of the exercises, try to keep anywhere between 6 to 8 reps, at the most 10 reps. Keep it heavy, and here is the reason why. When you're working out you want to go ahead and stimulate your muscles, if you go too light you're only going to build endurance and that is what most guys do most of the time. Light weight does not get you ripped. Doing 50 curls with light weight does not do anything, but maybe build endurance. If you are trying to get lean and ripped don't worry about the light weight, go heavy, go compound, and you want to work and stimulate 6 to 8 muscle groups at one time.

Let's say you are working on chest and shoulders today. You will naturally work on 6-8 muscle groups very easily when you are doing compound movements, by using your core, by using your triceps, by using your legs when you are maybe, standing and doing military press. There are so many other muscle groups working even thought you may only be working on chest and shoulders. This is the difference between doing compound movements vs. doing isolation where you stick your body into a machine where pretty much everything is relaxed except for that one muscle being worked.

You burn a lot more calories with heavy compound movements, and it drives your metabolism super high. So if your work outs involve 80% isolation workouts, you will have to work out 3 to 4 times harder with little to no results in weight loss, lean muscle building, calorie burning and metabolism increase.

So if you want to get abs, yes excise is very important, but you also need to have your eating and nutrition handled too. Now this does not mean you have to deprive yourself or go on a diet. The key here is just making it simple, there is so much misinformation out there about dieting and what you should eat, put forth by gurus and experts that make things very completed and designed to open the door to you spending more money. Very simple, you need lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and some natural carbohydrates depending on your goals. The things to avoid would be refined carbohydrates, refined sugars and refined fats.

My system is good because it makes healthy eating very simple. What I do is cook a lot of food in advance of the week and make a lot of prepared meals that we can just stick in the microwave and within three minutes we have a healthy meal. I would say for healthy eating that is going to be the key. Find a system that makes it simple where you do not have to keep thinking about it. You can eat healthy without it having to be like a chore.

Here is an example of what I eat much of the time. For meats, I like to eat lean chicken breast, tilapia, and egg whites, this being a very lean protein source. Vegetables, anything is ok, but for me, I like to eat broccoli and green beans, because they are easy to prepare. For carbohydrates, sometimes I eat beans and sometimes I go with brown rice and on occasion the sweet potato. This is a good example of what I eat and what is really simple and easy to prepare. In the end you spend very little time in the kitchen, you do not have to wash tons of dishes and eating time is simple and quick. You need to start eating clean.

The last thing you want to do is go ahead and get the right advice. When you talk or listen to somebody make sure they know what they are talking about. Here is a pretty easy way to tell if you should listen to someone:

a. Take a look at them, see what they look like. If you have someone who is out of shape and overweight and they are helping others who are in the same condition, all you have is the blind leading the blind. You will waste a lot of time and money. Both are involved in misinformation.

b. Make sure the person has done it himself as well as helped someone else do it. They understand their bodies and they are able to pass on their knowledge to different body types.