Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Inspirational Weight Loss Story - How I Dropped Over 15% Body Fat in 3 Months

I had always been an overweight child, and all that weight carried itself with me all the way up to my late teens. Before I decided to start P90X, I was overweight and out of shape. Just like everyone else who cannot find the time to workout, I had pretty much every excuse at my disposal about why I "didn't" or "couldn't" workout. I had to go to work. I had to go to university. I had lots of projects to do.

All these were just some of many excuses that I was using on a daily basis to not look after the one thing that I had been truly blessed with, and that was my body. Lets be honest with ourselves here, we only have one body, so it makes sense to look after it the best you can right?

I am at a very young age, and at 20 years old, being out of shape was simply unacceptable. I knew that if I kept fooling myself about being overweight and unhealthy, I would pay the price for it later on in life. The way I see it, you should be willing to struggle and make all the mistakes now, so when you become more mature, you are all set and ready to go. So what did I do to change my health and fitness? I used what is called P90X!

It was a regular day indoors, and I was browsing through various YouTube videos looking at the different ways I could get into shape. It was by complete accident that I ran into P90X, and the more research I did about the program, the more I discovered that people were getting incredible results! I wanted to be one of those people.

Ever since day one of P90X, I have changed the way I feel, the way I look and also the I think on a daily basis. The mindset is very important, no matter what you decide to in life, and if you can break through mental barriers and change your health for the better, then you will become a better person not only physically but also mentally.

The one thing I now love about being in shape, is that no one ever took notice of me before. I was never a source for information and now that people have seen the results I have gotten, I am always answering questions about health and fitness on a daily basis, and am constantly turning heads everywhere I go. This is something that I love doing, and changing the lives of my friends and family is a good feeling to have.

Now that I have started my own personal website, talking about the ups and downs of my fitness journey, I can interact with the people who truly need my help much easer. In 90 days I went from 22% body fat to being at a ripped 7%. I increased my overall strength both physically and cardio vascular wise, and in the process, learnt a lot of valuable life lessons.

With P90X, I can now get in what is possibly the best workout I have ever done in an hour as opposed to killing myself for countless hours at the gym, and I can now proudly say that I am in the best shape of my life!

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

The Benefits of Alkaline Drinking Water

Although there are no exact studies proving the validity of alkaline drinking water health benefits, there are theoretical confirmations of them in existence. And the fact that it is widely used in Japan, which has one of the highest life expectancy ratings in the world, adds an ample amount of substantiation to the suggested claims. Nevertheless, buyers are not forced to base their purchasing decisions solely on what ionized water is said to contribute. Rather, they are encouraged to look at the bigger picture and figure out if it has any significant application in their lives. Whether you decide to believe it or not is up to your better judgment. But if you are curious about how the simple electrolysis of water can supposedly make your life better, here are some of its popular advantages.
a. It helps get rid of toxins. A lot of people misconstrue oxidation as an unhealthy body process. But it is actually just something that occurs in a cell's life cycle. What makes it dangerous is the accumulation of free radicals, which are the damaged particles, brought about by the destruction and replacement of old, dysfunctional cells. Free radicals, given their nature, are always eager to pair up with other molecules and make them defective. Electrolysis transforms H2O molecules into OH, and fixes it with a negative charge, so that it can effectively attract free radicals, and it ensures that they do not wreak havoc to other vital and functioning components of the human body. After attaching, they are then discarded through urine.
b. It helps neutralize the body. Even though the body does have an involuntary system that tries to correct any existing abnormalities, there are times when it lacks sensitivity or is overwhelmed by the breadth of the work it has to do. See, some people are naturally acidic. Some have conditions that make their body acidic. Some eat too much acidic rations. The consumption of alkaline drinking water enables them to help their bodies stay in a state of homeostasis and prevent adverse effects like fatigue, susceptibility to illness, headaches, and digestive problems, to name a few.
c. It gives better hydration. It is said that ionization helps break clusters of water molecules into smaller ones. This makes it easier for them to pass through cell walls, leading to faster and more efficient hydration. As a result, the body is able to look and function better, regulate its temperature more efficiently, and deliver nutrients, as well as oxygen, to the cells quicker. Better hydration also lessens the risk of developing unwanted symptoms, as well as exacerbating current conditions.

7-Keto-DHEA and Weight Loss

Recently, 7-Keto-DHEA has emerged as a safer and more powerful alternative to DHEA for use in anti-aging and weight loss. As the active metabolite of the hormone DHEA, 7-Keto-DHEA is several times more potent than DHEA at raising thermogenesis by stimulating enzyme production in the liver while lacking androgenic side effects such as hair loss, benign prostatic hyperplasia and virilization. Many modern users prize the supplement for its accelerating effect on the weight loss produced by diet and exercise.

The Basics Behind the Science

Young people normally have fewer wrinkles, more muscle and an easier time losing fat compared to older individuals. As age sets in and hormone levels decline, symptoms of aging appear such as fat accumulation and lean muscle loss. Supplementing with hormones can reduce or eliminate these problems, but substances such as testosterone and DHEA also cause numerous androgenic effects that contribute to cancers and high blood pressure. Using 7-Keto-DHEA enables users to fight the effects of aging while avoiding the side effects associated with those other hormonal supplements.

How it Relates to Metabolism

Weight loss is normally difficult to maintain because metabolism quickly slows down in response to reduced food intake. Known as the metabolic set-point, this process can prevent many individuals from ever seeing much result from their diet and exercise efforts. 7-Keto-DHEA keeps the set point from lowering, allowing individuals to continue losing weight throughout their diet and exercise programs. Rather than causing weight loss directly, it dramatically improves the body's response to consistent efforts over time.

Effects on Thermogenesis

Many weight loss supplements, including caffeine, work by increasing the body's basal temperature and effectively burning the fat away. 7-Keto also accomplishes this; by enhancing the activity of enzymes in the liver, it increases thermogenesis, but without causing rises in blood pressure or levels of androgens. This means that 7-Keto-DHEA is much safer for long-term weight loss regimens, whose results are more likely to last.

Other Benefits in Weight Loss

7 Keto DHEA also speeds weight loss by raising levels of T3, a thyroid hormone involved in metabolism. Pure, exogenous T3 is often supplemented by professional athletes, but 7-Keto-DHEA increases T3 within the safe, natural range. The parent hormone, DHEA, has been shown by studies to cause animals to eat more without causing them to gain weight. One study showed that control animals' food intake had to be cut by half to create the same changes in body weight experienced by animals given DHEA with a normal diet. 7-Keto-DHEA also has an impressive safety profile; small dosages of only 100-200 mg daily are normally recommended, but huge amounts have been tested without causing health problems. According to researchers, even a huge dose of 140,000 mg of 7-Keto-DHEA would leave an individual with normal blood chemistry and liver values.

Rather than being a standalone ingredient for fast and easy weight loss, is a dependable way to accelerate weight loss when combined with exercise and a low calorie diet. Overweight individuals of all ages can benefit from even modest weight loss, and 7-Keto-DHEA makes it far easier to accomplish without causing negative side effects. Rather than using individual supplements for thermogenesis, thyroid stimulation and lean muscle gain, individuals can receive all these healthy benefits in one package.